MMA Weight Class Fight Results

Chi square tests
Fisher Exact tests
categorical variable analysis
Data with MMA fight results by weight class; can examine if there is an association between weight class and different types of results.

Ian Young, Joshua Patrick, Connor Bryson, and Rodney X. Sturdivant


August 27, 2024


The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA ( Interest is in whether the weight class changes the likelihood of various types of fight results; for example, are lighter weight fights more likely to “go the distance” (last all rounds)? ## Data

Each row is a single fight; 28,771 fights are included.

Variable Description
date date of the event (mdy)
month month of the event
year year of the event
event name of the event
championship is the event a championship event
decision fight result
decision_group aggregated groups of decision variable
round how many rounds the fight lasted
time time the fight ended
p1_result result of the fight for fighter 1
p1_id a unique ID for fighter 1
p1_name full name of fighter 1
p1_country home country of fighter 1
p1_sex sex of fighter 1
p2_result result of the fight for fighter 2
p2_id a unique ID for fighter 2
p2_name full name of fighter 2
p2_country home country of fighter 2
p2_sex sex of fighter 2
wtClass aggregated groups of Weight Class


  1. Are lighter weight fights more likely to end in a decision?

  2. Which weight class is most likely to produce a knockout?


The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA (