MMA Weight Class Fight Results
Chi square tests
Fisher Exact tests
categorical variable analysis
Data with MMA fight results by weight class; can examine if there is an association between weight class and different types of results.
The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA ( Interest is in whether the weight class changes the likelihood of various types of fight results; for example, are lighter weight fights more likely to “go the distance” (last all rounds)? ## Data
Each row is a single fight; 28,771 fights are included.
Variable | Description |
date | date of the event (mdy) |
month | month of the event |
year | year of the event |
event | name of the event |
championship | is the event a championship event |
decision | fight result |
decision_group | aggregated groups of decision variable |
round | how many rounds the fight lasted |
time | time the fight ended |
p1_result | result of the fight for fighter 1 |
p1_id | a unique ID for fighter 1 |
p1_name | full name of fighter 1 |
p1_country | home country of fighter 1 |
p1_sex | sex of fighter 1 |
p2_result | result of the fight for fighter 2 |
p2_id | a unique ID for fighter 2 |
p2_name | full name of fighter 2 |
p2_country | home country of fighter 2 |
p2_sex | sex of fighter 2 |
wtClass | aggregated groups of Weight Class |
Are lighter weight fights more likely to end in a decision?
Which weight class is most likely to produce a knockout?
The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA (