MMA Fight Decisions
Decisions for MMA fights with judges scores. Can be used to explore judge agreement/consistency.
The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA (
Each row is a different fight (5000 fights included).
Variable | Explanation | Example |
date | date of fight in year - month - day format | 2012-02-26, 2019-10-06, etc. |
event | name of the MMA event | UFC 31: Locked & Loaded, UFC 32: Showdown in the Meadowlands, etc. |
arena | arena where event was held | Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, Continental Airlines Arena, etc. |
city | city where event took place | Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, etc. |
fighter1 | last name of the first fighter | Soto, VanZandt, etc. |
fighter2 | last name of the second fighter | Rivera, Delboni, etc. |
result_type | decision scoring terminology | Unanimous (all agree), Split (at least one judge votes for each fighter), Majority (two judges votes for a fighter, one judge votes for a draw) |
judge1 | last name of the judge | 1 Chatfield, Collett, etc. |
judge1_score1 | judge 1’s score for fighter 1 | 30, 28, etc. |
judge1_score2 | judge 1’s score for fighter 2 | 27, 29, etc. |
judge2 | last name of the judge 2 | Chatfield, Collett, etc. |
judge2_score1 | judge 2’s score for fighter 1 | 30, 28, etc. |
judge2_score2 | judge 2’s score for fighter 2 | 27, 29, etc. |
judge3 | last name of the judge 3 | Chatfield, Collett, etc. |
judge3_score1 | judge 3’s score for fighter 1 | 30, 28, etc. |
judge3_score2 | judge 3’s score for fighter 2 | 27, 29, etc. |
winner | winner of the match (name) | Rivera, VanZandt, Draw, etc. |
winner2 | winner of the match (fighter number) | fighter1 or fighter2 |
judge1_margin | difference in judge 1’s score for fighters 1 and 2 | 30-27 = 3, 28-29 = -1, etc. |
judge2_margin | difference in judge 2’s score for fighters 1 and 2 | 30-27 = 3, 28-29 = -1, etc. |
judge3_margin | difference in judge 3’s score for fighters 1 and 2 | 30-27 = 3, 28-29 = -1, etc. |
judge1_perc | percentage difference in judge 1’s score for fighters 1 and 2 | -11.11%, 10%, etc. |
judge2_perc | percentage difference in judge 2’s score for fighters 1 and 2 | -11.11%, 10%, etc. |
judge3_perc | percentage difference in judge 3’s score for fighters 1 and 2 | -11.11%, 10%, etc. |
rounds | number of rounds in the fight | 3 or 5 |
judge1_dev | deviation in judge 1’s score from colleague’s average scores | 2, 0.5, etc. |
judge2_dev | deviation in judge 2’s score from colleague’s average scores | 2, 0.5, etc. |
judge3_dev | deviation in judge 3’s score from colleague’s average scores | 2, 0.5, etc. |
judge1_out | outcome of judge 1’s decision | fighter1, draw, fighter2 |
judge2_out | outcome of judge 2’s decision | fighter1, draw, fighter2 |
judge3_out | outcome of judge 3’s decision | fighter1, draw, fighter2 |
agreement | agreement status of the three judges | Agree, Disagree (all differ), judge3 (only judge 3 differs), etc. |
How well do judges agree on the fight outcome?
How much variability is there in judges scores for fights?
The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA (