MMA Fight Decisions

Decisions for MMA fights with judges scores. Can be used to explore judge agreement/consistency.

Caleb Skinner, Joshua Patrick, Connor Bryson, and Rodney X. Sturdivant


August 27, 2024


The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA (


Each row is a different fight (5000 fights included).

Variable Explanation Example
date date of fight in year - month - day format 2012-02-26, 2019-10-06, etc.
event name of the MMA event UFC 31: Locked & Loaded, UFC 32: Showdown in the Meadowlands, etc.
arena arena where event was held Trump Taj Mahal Casino Resort, Continental Airlines Arena, etc.
city city where event took place Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA, etc.
fighter1 last name of the first fighter Soto, VanZandt, etc.
fighter2 last name of the second fighter Rivera, Delboni, etc.
result_type decision scoring terminology Unanimous (all agree), Split (at least one judge votes for each fighter), Majority (two judges votes for a fighter, one judge votes for a draw)
judge1 last name of the judge 1 Chatfield, Collett, etc.
judge1_score1 judge 1’s score for fighter 1 30, 28, etc.
judge1_score2 judge 1’s score for fighter 2 27, 29, etc.
judge2 last name of the judge 2 Chatfield, Collett, etc.
judge2_score1 judge 2’s score for fighter 1 30, 28, etc.
judge2_score2 judge 2’s score for fighter 2 27, 29, etc.
judge3 last name of the judge 3 Chatfield, Collett, etc.
judge3_score1 judge 3’s score for fighter 1 30, 28, etc.
judge3_score2 judge 3’s score for fighter 2 27, 29, etc.
winner winner of the match (name) Rivera, VanZandt, Draw, etc.
winner2 winner of the match (fighter number) fighter1 or fighter2
judge1_margin difference in judge 1’s score for fighters 1 and 2 30-27 = 3, 28-29 = -1, etc.
judge2_margin difference in judge 2’s score for fighters 1 and 2 30-27 = 3, 28-29 = -1, etc.
judge3_margin difference in judge 3’s score for fighters 1 and 2 30-27 = 3, 28-29 = -1, etc.
judge1_perc percentage difference in judge 1’s score for fighters 1 and 2 -11.11%, 10%, etc.
judge2_perc percentage difference in judge 2’s score for fighters 1 and 2 -11.11%, 10%, etc.
judge3_perc percentage difference in judge 3’s score for fighters 1 and 2 -11.11%, 10%, etc.
rounds number of rounds in the fight 3 or 5
judge1_dev deviation in judge 1’s score from colleague’s average scores 2, 0.5, etc.
judge2_dev deviation in judge 2’s score from colleague’s average scores 2, 0.5, etc.
judge3_dev deviation in judge 3’s score from colleague’s average scores 2, 0.5, etc.
judge1_out outcome of judge 1’s decision fighter1, draw, fighter2
judge2_out outcome of judge 2’s decision fighter1, draw, fighter2
judge3_out outcome of judge 3’s decision fighter1, draw, fighter2
agreement agreement status of the three judges Agree, Disagree (all differ), judge3 (only judge 3 differs), etc.


  1. How well do judges agree on the fight outcome?

  2. How much variability is there in judges scores for fights?


The data is derived largely from publicly available data from ESPN ( and the MMA (